2. दोस्त बन गया अब ये साला pain. -Dino James


The only person who I can call mine other than the voices inside my head! 

“How are you, girl?!”

“I am fine, cheta. Gladd you came back, is it daytime now?!”

“Yup it is! Umm but umm boss is coming today!”

And it took mere 4 words to destroy everything in me. 

No yaar, he will beat me again today! I soo hate him’

even though I don’t agree but I am really scared of this boss and the fact that he is coming today makes me confuse. Should I be happy that I am getting another chance to run away or sad that I am gonna sleep today again?

We will run away today for sure I am with you, dude’

“He probably is in a good mood today and might take you out. This is a good time to run away!!”


And now I am really happy today. I have to get out of here at any cost!! 

Freedom, you should thank him for whatever he is doing for us’

“Thank you, Cheta, for the help you did, I will be forever grateful to you!!” 

“Hahaha, you always say these lines whenever I tell you he is in good mood. I hope today is actually the last time I am hearing this”

‘I love this man! I hope humans in the outer world are like him too’

I hope so too!!’ although I don’t remember but I have blur memories of how boss punished me on my last failed attempts…

“Hey don’t be sad, you will succeed for sure!!”

“Yeah, I will and then I will free you too!!”

“I know, you will”

Hey, what are you doing there?? You are only allowed to go inside to give her food! Come out, you moron!!”

“Soo these assholes came before time today, huh! Fucking bootlicking morons!!” 

“FREEDOM! How many times have I told you not to curse when some..”

Come out, otherwise boss will beat the fuck out of you, you asshole!”

And then Cheta kept a hand on my head and walked out leaving me in the dark again!! 

Cheta is the one who has been with me since I am here, he taught me everything other than cursing. Of course, he hates cursing. I have learnt it from other servants here who curse frequently!!  

Then came the sounds of footsteps and I know what is approaching…

The door of my dark cell opens again and here is the image of the man I hate the most…

I look at his shadow once again before falling into darkness…

Just like all the other times I went unconscious…



‘Hello, babygirl! How are you!?’

The man asked a meek girl sitting at the corner of the dark cell with knees pasted on her chest wearing torn shirt and jeans looking nowhere in particular totally ignoring the presence of that man! 

‘Here! Wear this!’

He gave the girl a packet which she took without any protest. When she opened it, there was a beautiful dress!! However, the girl didn’t really look happy after looking at her gift! 

Beautiful, isn’t it?? Common, get ready the guys would be here any moment now!’

And then he called his servants who started setting up a camera there, recording everything! 

The girl, again, without a protest, started changing in front of the servant and the boss, getting recorded at the same time!!

‘Good girl, you have grown really wise. I feel really proud of myself when I see you obeying me!!’

The girl still stood there emotionless!! And the boss went away, leaving the girl again sitting at the corner of the room just like before but wearing a beautiful dress now! 

A servant came and opened her chain, blindfolded her and picked her up in the air. She was taken to the other room where the boss was already seated wearing a mask and his eyes were clearly visible now! Leaving them the servant left! 

2 masked men entered the room and gave lustful gazes to the girl! 

“komm her Liebling” (come here darling) the first man said!

Girl obediently went towards the man and stood in front of him! 

“beuge dich auf deine Knie” (bend on your knees)

Girl did as told 

The man opened his zip and took out his dick before her, taking it as a cue she started sucking it! 

The men passed impressive glances to the boss who was looking at her with pride in his eyes! 

The other man tore her frock apart and entered inside her from behind! The girl didn’t even flinch just moaned in pain as if it was her everyday chore! 

“nimm es in dich Schlampe”(take it in you bitch)

‘so ein unterwürfiges kleines Mädchen’ (such a submissive little girl) 

They both continued thrusting inside her when the first man came inside her mouth! 

The other man also left her and pushed her to the bed placed at the centre of the room 

First person tore her leftover clothes apart while other started touching her in all the wrong places but all this while the girl stood there emotionless taking in everything happening to her!! 

After few hours of torture she was made to wear the same torn jean and shirt and was locked in the same familiar darkness in which she was before! 

Hey! I don’t know what happened there but all I know is you survived again like a brave girl you are! We promise you that your suffering won’t last long and we will get out of here very soon!! We all love you girl

Please stay strong’ 

And after hearing the familiar voice she broke into loud cries breaking everyone’s heart!


I know it was very mature in the end but it was necessary to show a huge trauma which would justify the mental illness and other problems this girl would go through in future. 
If you have skipped it, it’s okay it would not effect much towards your understanding but as a writer it’s necessary to cover all the loopholes that is why I could not skip it! 


Tell me how did you like the part and I would love to read your comments! 

And one more thing- 

Pink here represents caring, tenderness, acceptance and calm.

Thank you for reading 
Much love 
Aakriti ❤️


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